Ever-flaming star

Essenya na Elenaria Cuthalion. Quettanya quenya. Greetings. I am lone elf in a mortal world, searching for my own Grey Havens. On a lonely isle I live, just outside a city girded by walls high and mighty, and in the forests I run, by the sea I walk, in the wind I read the change of seasons. This... could be a diary. A diary from my 3000-and-some years.

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Location: Imladris, Gotland, Sweden

Writing mainly for those that are not directly connected to my life. Trying to stay free without breaking important bonds. Will do close to anything for a chance to travel, and never ever quits dreaming.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Far, far away...

Urgh. I shall start my blogging career with an "urgh". "Urgh" is an appropriate word right now. My discovery that Japanese girls not only giggle a lot, but also have the aMAZing ability to giggle loud and all at the same time was, I think, a groundbreaking discovery.

So. The situation stands like this:
I have deserted my home country of Sweden, where I studied the Japanese language for one year and a half, to take one semester at Akita International University, Japan. At home, my wolf. My love, my life, that strange thing that happened to me and made my belief in things fantastic soar again. Here, lots of strange people with alien habits, food, language, way of life. Lucky I speak Japanese already, or I would have been lost.
Next week, time to start studying. Last week, four days in Tokyo. I summon the experience up in a few words: mad, hysteric, crazy. Don't go there. Just don't. Really, you don't want to. It is like Christmas rush, all the time. Only, at times and certain places it gets worse. But, I got to take photos of gothic lolitas and cosplay-zokus. And go to the Tokyo International Anime Fair. Wow.
Akita is situated on north-western Honshu. The university lies in the middle of nowhere, which I like, with an airport close, which I also like - watching airplanes makes me dream about travelling. Beautiful scenery, mountains, rivers, forests... and, if you go anywhere near a settlement, boring, drab ricefields.
My roommate is a Mongolian girl named Tseegi. She is very nice, I already like her.

And. That's about it for now. The most important things are covered, next time I'll get down to what matters.
Writing strange blog-posts that no-one really quite understands. Wohoo!


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