Ever-flaming star

Essenya na Elenaria Cuthalion. Quettanya quenya. Greetings. I am lone elf in a mortal world, searching for my own Grey Havens. On a lonely isle I live, just outside a city girded by walls high and mighty, and in the forests I run, by the sea I walk, in the wind I read the change of seasons. This... could be a diary. A diary from my 3000-and-some years.

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Location: Imladris, Gotland, Sweden

Writing mainly for those that are not directly connected to my life. Trying to stay free without breaking important bonds. Will do close to anything for a chance to travel, and never ever quits dreaming.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The sound of snow falling

Elenaria shook herself, to try and wake up. She had been loosing herself in thought, and the snow that fell had already made her cloak white. Blinking, she took in the beauty surrounding her once again, and made to return to her quarters.
Wandering through the silent gazebo, she spied another of the residents wandering, seemingly just as lost in thought as she was. The place could have that effect on you.

She remembered when first she had come here. Feeling lost and without a purpose, she thought it would be a good place to rest, and it was. Master Elrond had greeted her upon arrival, and the sense of peace she had felt when laying her eyes upon Imladris, at the very first steps into the valley, had only grown.

How long had it been now? Years, as humans reckoned it. Time passed, and history went on.

But one last thought reached her through the falling snow, before she managed to banish all the darkness from her mind. How could she ever hope to achieve anything, if she didn't grow whole again? How could she return, and would she be welcomed? Folly, that last, of course she would be. Though lost, eventually all steps lead home. So much she had seen, so much she had known, and all that which she could not see an end to. In the end, what had it availed to? If only she knew how to mend things that were broken, things that were not made of matter but of spirit and of soul.

Master Elrond would let her stay for as long as she needed. Looking up again, the first lights had been lit. The ethereal quality of the place was only made stronger by the silent snow. Elenaria felt the inherent peace of the place, and the dark thoughts fled for now. This was home. In a very real sense of the word, and before her return to the Undying Lands some day, this was home. As darkness fell, the snow muffled all sounds, and in the library, the elf woman could see Erestor, the chief advisor, making sure all the lanterns were shining. With slow steps she returned to her room, to enjoy reading once again the Ainulindale. If nothing else, the works of far history took her mind off the more immediate, and the present.

Somewhere, a voice picked up an old song, and accompanied only by the snow, told a tale of love lost and found, eternal among the stars.


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