Ever-flaming star

Essenya na Elenaria Cuthalion. Quettanya quenya. Greetings. I am lone elf in a mortal world, searching for my own Grey Havens. On a lonely isle I live, just outside a city girded by walls high and mighty, and in the forests I run, by the sea I walk, in the wind I read the change of seasons. This... could be a diary. A diary from my 3000-and-some years.

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Location: Imladris, Gotland, Sweden

Writing mainly for those that are not directly connected to my life. Trying to stay free without breaking important bonds. Will do close to anything for a chance to travel, and never ever quits dreaming.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Night of the hungry wolf

Once upon a time, there was a black wolf and a white wolf. The black wolf had a wonderful, thick, black fur, deep eyes that took in all the world, and everyone liked the wolf. The white wolf had a long, beautiful tail swooshing as it ran, and eyes that shone like the moon, and many liked the white wolf.

The white wolf and the black wolf met in the forest one day, and instantly took a liking to each other. So they would howl to each other occasionally, and one night, they met in a dream. The eyes of the black wolf drank the white wolf, and the eyes of the white wolf shone with love's light at the black wolf. The moon laughed its silvery laugh, the wind caressed the both as they played, each careful not to approach the other too close.

They played for some time, as wolves do, and then had a rest. Their tails wrapped around each other, they nuzzled each others noses and spoke as only wolves can speak. As the night wore on, they became closer to each other. The white wolf felt that it had found something worth everything in the world, and the black wolf was of just that same mind.

But the wolves knew they could not be together. For they had each promised another wolf to run with them. And though this was a dream, as wolves dream, and though the black wolf growled,

"I am hungry!"

and the white wolf answered with a whimper, they only lay as close as two wolves can do, deep in dreaming.

When morning started to beckon them back to the waking world, the white wolf crept close, close to the black wolf. And the black wolf kissed the white wolf, as wolves kiss, very chastely, and just as chastely, the white wolf kissed back. Then, they watched each other fade from the dream, and when they woke, they were back where they had been.

So every night, the black wolf howls, and every night, the white wolf answers. But dreams are fickle, and they do not often meet. Only when the moon shines, can the wolves admit to each other what they feel, as only wolves feel, and only when the moon shines, do they whisper about wishes of closeness, wishes of being together, wishes of everything being all right. Only when the moon shines, can the black wolf and the white wolf dream.

I dedicate this to a close friend of mine. May they find a way.